Thursday, June 19, 2008

tech addition stories - top these

A handful of tech addiction tales from FOH (Friends of Hooked)

Matt, I read your email on my Treo last while night driving home from the golf course. Scrolling down through the message as I drove on the busy 19th Ave, I nearly ran into the back of an expensive Mercedes at a stoplight which I hadn't really noticed had turned red...I'll forgive you this time, but don't do that again! You almost caused my insurance rates to go through the roof....

I saw some monks in the backblocks of Bhutan in the Eastern Himalayas who threw caution and buddhism to the wind in their get to the one and only working computer to check their emails! I also came close to elbowing one of those monks - out of the way to check my emails!)

Funny, especially since our three kids and I have a game of keeping a tally in the car, "Who is on the phone more while driving, men or women".............the kids think it is about even in our little circle in Highlands Ranch ('burb south of Denver). I personally think the women far out number the can't drive two blocks without some woman yacking and not paying attention to the road. I, however, rarely talk and drive. But take away my email and I'd be in severe depression............

Now that I've moved back home to DC from Seattle, I'm much closer to family. My Mom and one of my triplet sisters (and her family) live in Richmond, VA, a 95 mile straight-shot down I-95 from DC. I drive down fairly frequently, and depending on the time of day and level of traffic... it takes anywhere from 2-4 hours to make the trip. When I get in the car, it's MORE important to me that my bluetooth headset is charged, than to have my iPod ready to go... as I'm much more inclined to catch up with friends on the phone on the drive down than to listen to music! Only when my bluetooth headset finally runs out of juice (and I mutter obsenities that it has died!) do I finally plug in my iPod to listen to tunes! :)

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